Yoga Loveland
The true measure of success is the mastery of ones self.




  I am what I am.
In having Faith in the Beauty and Power within me,
I develop Trust.
In Softness, I have Strength.
In Silence, I walk with the Gods.

In Peace, I understand myself and the World.
In Conflict, I walk away.
In Detachment, I am Free.

In Respecting all living things, I respect myself.
In Dedication, I honor the Courage within me.
In Eternity, I have Compassion for the Nature of all things.
In Love, I unconditionally accept the Evolution of others.
In Freedom, I have Power.
In my individuality, I express the
God-Force within me.
In Service, I give what I have become. I am what I am.
Eternal, Immortal, Universal and Infinite.

yoga loveland