Yoga Loveland
This has been a wonderful summer with fantastic adventurous change for my family.  As we move into our new home and yoga retreat we are finding it easy to just be...  Spending time together and creating a schedule for the fall that will allow us to all do what we enjoy without taking each other for granted.  My best advice is, give your kids a hug.  They grow up fast and the more you hug them, the more they will want to be a part of your life. 

How the colors on your plate can light the way to health

By Deanna Minich, PhD, CN

Chakras (Sanskrit for "wheels") are subtle centers in the energetic system of a living organism that take in and give out energy. Health is determined by the flow of energy from the 7 chakras into the metabolic network of the body. Blocked chakras, due to emotional, mental, and/or spiritual issues, can restrict energy flow and lead to illness.

Foods—especially foods that share colors with the chakras—carry vibrations that can activate or balance your chakras. Explore this gallery to find out which health conditions are associated with which chakra, and learn how to choose foods to bring your chakras into balance. Click for the first food for chakra healing.

Deanna Minich, PhD, CN (, is a nutritionist who sees more to food than calories and macronutrients. She blends cutting-edge nutrition information, quantum physics, and the ancient chakra system to guide others to use foods and eating as tools for spiritual growth and nourishment for the soul. With her latest book, Chakra Foods for Optimum Health, she opens your heart, unravels your intuition, and guides you on a journey to inner and outer bliss with every bite you take!

Root Chakra

The root chakra is the home of a stable, slow vi

bration that enables one to be grounded in the workings of the world on a physical level. A healthy root chakra will promote core feelings of being part of a tribe or community, and it anchors the body in feelings of trust, safety, and protection.

Chakra Colors: Red, black, dark brown, charcoal gray

Health Associations: Responsible for body systems that provide physical structure, allowing for meaningful contact with the Earth: joints, bones, muscle, legs, and feet. Oversees the "boundaries" of the body through an internal and external defense system represented by the immune system and skin.

Root Chakra Healing Foods: Protein (especially animal protein), root vegetables, edible and medicinal mushrooms, red-colored foods (apples, pomegranates, etc)

Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra houses the dynamic, creative force that circulates creativity, sexuality, sensuality, and emotions through all layers of the self. A healthy sacral chakra will assist in wielding and manifesting raw creativity into an external form, including through relationships with another. A healthy sacral chakra allows us to "go with the flow" of life.

Chakra Color: Orange

Health Associations: Responsible for the liquid functions of the body: kidneys, bladder, large intestine. Oversees the "creativity" of the body through the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries, as well as cell division and growth.

Sacral Chakra Healing Foods: Fats and oils, fish (especially wild-caught salmon), tropical fruits, seeds, nuts, orange-colored foods (oranges, tangerines, carrots, etc.)

Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra contains fiery, transformative energy that radiates the essence of the self to the outside world, harmonizing the inner and outer environments. A healthy solar plexus chakra will manifest as a brilliant expression of personal power accompanied by balanced energy flow and clear perceptions of life situations.

Chakra Color: Yellow

Health Associations: Responsible for the transformative functions of the body, including the digestive organs: esophagus, stomach, pancreas, small intestines, liver, and gallbladder. Oversees the "energy exchange" of the body through the generation of ATP, the body’s physical currency of energy, which is supplied by cell structures known as mitochondria (often referred to as "powerhouses of the cell").

Solar Plexus Chakra Healing Foods: Carbohydrates (complex), fiber, whole grains, legumes, yellow-colored foods (yellow sweet peppers, yellow lentils, corn, etc.)

Heart Chakra

The heart chakra emits a loving, compassionate rhythm that translates pure feeling into emotional wisdom, discernment, and kindness. A healthy heart chakra will funnel love into a healing salve for all, including self, others, and the planet.

Chakra Colors: Green, rose, pink

Health Associations: Responsible for the circulatory functions of the body, including the heart, lungs, lymphatic system, and blood vessels. Oversees the "nurturing" functions of the body through the breasts, shoulders, arms, and hands.

Heart Chakra Healing Foods: Vegetables (especially cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, kale, cabbage, and leafy greens), sprouts, raw foods, foods rich in chlorophyll, plant compounds like phytoestrogens and phytosterols, any green-colored foods.

Third Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra is the seat of mystical, intuitive knowing that spirals forth the awareness that we are spiritual beings connected to universal wisdom and truth. A healthy third eye chakra will encourage the path of internal visions and dreams, with the realization that they are Divinely guided and inspired.

Chakra Colors: Indigo, violet

Health Associations: Responsible for hormone function and secretion, sleep/wake cycles, and dreaming. Oversees the "perception" functions of the body through the brain, eyes, and neurotransmitters.

Third Eye Chakra Healing Foods: Caffeine, tea, chocolate, spices, wine, purple-red foods (purple potatoes, red onions, blackberries, blueberries, purple grapes, etc.)

Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is home to the pure essence that connects to All That Is. A healthy crown chakra will manifest as the ability for individuals to be confident in their faith in a Higher Power, higher self, or in a force that is highly intelligent and creative.

Chakra Colors: White, lavender, pastel colors

Health Associations: Responsible for infusing the body with life force, allowing the entire individual to function as a divine creature, intelligent and connected to Spirit. Oversees the "electrical" functions of the body through the central nervous system.

Crown Chakra Healing Foods: Since the crown chakra is more "spirit" than "matter," it is not nourished with physical foods in the same way that they feed other chakras, but the crown chakra thrives on the sustenance that comes from sunlight, air, and love.

Berries, Cherries, Apples, Curry, Cocoa, Walnuts
Depending on if you are a vegetarian or not or raw food connoisseur these are considered brain food as well: Eggs(depending on your dietary choices), Sardines, Oysters, Cocoa
The Woman's Book of Yoga and Health: A Lifelong Guide to Wellness (see the chapter on restoratives) by Linda Sparrowe and Patricia Walden

Relax and Renew: Restful Yoga for Stressful Times by Judith Lasater

YogaNap: Restorative Poses for Deep Relaxation by Kristen Rentz

What's your favorite restorative pose?  How do you spend nap time?

The best nutritional information is found at Renegade Health Show.  Whether you are a yogi, or not, this site can give you accurate nutritional information. 
The goal of yoga?  It is whatever you wish to improve about your self.  It is not always the same and is ever changing.  You may come to yoga for physical conditioning.  You may come for therapy to heal your self.  You may come for beauty of the inside or the outside.  Whatever the reason for your coming to yoga, the reward is always becoming a better you and becoming a better me.
The true measure of success is the mastery of ones self.




  I am what I am.
In having Faith in the Beauty and Power within me,
I develop Trust.
In Softness, I have Strength.
In Silence, I walk with the Gods.

In Peace, I understand myself and the World.
In Conflict, I walk away.
In Detachment, I am Free.

In Respecting all living things, I respect myself.
In Dedication, I honor the Courage within me.
In Eternity, I have Compassion for the Nature of all things.
In Love, I unconditionally accept the Evolution of others.
In Freedom, I have Power.
In my individuality, I express the
God-Force within me.
In Service, I give what I have become. I am what I am.
Eternal, Immortal, Universal and Infinite.

yoga loveland